Criminal Genius Octopus Makes Daring Escape From NZ Aquarium

They’re way smarter than dogs and have more arms than the bad guy from the Mortal Kombat movie: octopuses are sinister and alien and not at all to be trusted, as an aquarium in Napier, New Zealand just found out.
Inky The Octopus (creative name, geniuses) was imprisoned lived at the National Aquarium of New Zealand until he escaped 3 months ago, which was, for some reason, kept under wraps until recently – possibly out of shame for being unable to contain a sea animal smaller than a soccer ball.
Old mate Inky had waited until maintenance was being done on his tank to crawl through a narrow gap in the lid, he then ran across the floor (please picture an octopus running, thanks) and into a pipe that led out to sea.
If this doesn’t sound like the pre-meditated product of a cold, alien mind then you are not nearly suspicious enough of these bizarre creatures.
This is not by any means the first time an octopus has exhibited freakish intelligence: in 2008, a German lab octopus called Otto (again, shit name) figured out he could turn off the power to the lab by shooting water at a light fitting. 
He also started throwing rocks at his tank to try and smash it, and taught himself to juggle hermit crabs. Terrifying.
Inky is, by this stage, far past the point of recapture and is probably at this very moment trying to steal a car to use in a burglary or something.
Source: Radio NZ.
Photo: Getty Images / Jonathan Fromager.