Cops Reel Off Selfies For Absolutely Ratshit Bloke After Putting Him To Bed

It’s a fine Australian tradition: Going out and getting so accidentally (or deliberately) trollied that the local constabulary has to intervene.

For the vast majority of cases, this means a quick trip to the drunk tank and a sobering night on a concrete jail bed, before being evicted out into the ungodly morning streets in search of home and chips.
Not for the fine folk down in Tasmania, apparently.
A post on the blessed Reddit has alerted us all to the plight of a young man simply known as Reece.
Reece, out on the sauce over the weekend, found himself far beyond the point of no return and suddenly without the mental or physical faculties required to get himself home.
Rather than ship him off to the watch house overnight for a wee little nap, a pair of Tasmania Police plods hauled him into a squad car, transported him home, and safely escorted him inside and to bed.
On the way out? They apparently reeled off a few choice selfies on old mate’s phone while he got himself comfy. Selfies that Reece only found in the cruel light of day amidst what must’ve been a cracking hangover.
A+ form from a coupla good-hearted cops.
But even better than that? Old mate’s presence of mind to lift the head off the pillow and throw out one last shaka for the night.
*extremely pissed and snoozy voice* “YiieeeeewwWWwwwWw.”

Legends. Legends all round.

Source: Reddit.
Photo: CtrldKilla/Imgur.