PSA: Clean Yr Coffee Machine’s Drip Tray ‘Cos This Syd Woman Found Actual Fkn Maggots In Hers

maggots in coffee machine

In today’s nope-inducing nightmare fuel, a Sydney woman who left water sitting in her coffee machine’s drip tray discovered that maggots apparently don’t only hatch in meat. Yes, this is about to get really gross.

A Sydney mum posted in a cleaning advice group on Facebook asking for tips on how to give a thorough scour to a drip tray after she came home to see wriggly little beasts squirming around in its crevices.

“This is proper gross,” she wrote in a FB post, per

“We didn’t empty the coffee machine drip tray before going away for four days. Upon return, there were maggots in the water.”

The way I would just throw the whole coffee machine away…

This woman is braver than I am though, and actually tried to give it a good wash. Unfortunately, the maggots weren’t exactly respecting that.

“I emptied the drip tray and it’s in the dishwasher but I can see a maggot (and I’m sure there’s more) in parts I can’t get to,” she said.

“What can I do? I’m so grossed out. It’s not a cheap machine, so I don’t want to chuck it.”

You’d think the woman would get answers like “set it on fire” and “pray to Jesus” but actually, it seems a lot of the responses just… didn’t have that much of a problem with maggots?! DISGOSTANG.

“I wouldn’t worry to be honest,” one person wrote. Uhh, well you SHOULD.

“Flush some hot water through before drinking it, but the maggots would only be in and around the dirty water tray. In a day or two any larvae you haven’t found yet will have either died or grown into flies anyway.”

Look, I know eating maggots is unlikely to hurt you, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be infinitely repulsed by the idea of it! Especially the maggots of flies in your kitchen. Just no.

Another suggested for the woman to “wait for them to turn into flies and they’ll crawl out”. I feel like the goal here should be eradication, not a breeding ground.

Others shared their own nasty kitchen bug-related stories.

“I had a maggot in the little viewing window of my bread machine for 20 years until it died (the machine that is!)” a commenter revealed. What is going on in this Facebook group and is everyone okay?!

“I went to change the filter in my coffee machine and opened the back compartment to find a floating cockroach. So we had been drinking roach juice in our coffee for god knows how long!” another confessed.


If you need me, I’ll be hurling into my toilet. And then vigorously cleaning out literally every appliance I own.