Bronwyn Bishop Spends 5k On Extremely Short Flight, Internet Unimpressed

In a strange turn of events that has never happened before in the history of the Internet, people are very angry about another #auspol thing. 

This time, it’s the fact that Parliamentary speaker and ardently terrifying human Bronwyn Bishop deciding that 65 minutes of being in a car was touch too long for her to bear. She chose to save a whole of 15 minutes by not driving, and instead flying in a private charter from Melbourne to Geelong (50 minutes). This private aircraft cost over $5000. 
The Internet was obviously unhappy, as the Internet tends to be when politicians spend taxpayer money on flashy shit:

Technically you can walk from Melbourne to Geelong in less than 24 hours, but we understand that would eat into her time letting members of the Liberal party talk over everyone else in Question Time, y’know? 

Oh, and she also spent a lavish $80,000 (how’s your annual salary? ) of the taxpayers’ money to fly to Europe to apply for another job – President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. She didn’t get it.