Brilliant PSA Tells Young Aussies To Not Get Shit-Faced In Terms They Can Understand

“Sober can be classy, a vomit beard cannot” is one of the big key messages we take away from an inspired new series of PSAs released today by the Australian advocacy group, DrinkWise, an independent, not-for-profit organisation focused on promoting change towards a healthier and safer drinking culture in Australia. 

Specifically designed to target the 18-24 year old age bracket known as young dumb people who think they know better, the newly released How To Drink Properly campaign reinforces how alcohol can negatively affect young people’s behaviour and the way they are perceived by themselves, their peers and the public by illustrating the key difference between good drunk (“drinking excellence”) and bad drunk (“shit-faced”). 

The former being the fun times cool guy who effortlessly wins over bartenders and dances like no one’s watching and the latter being the guy who vomits all over himself then tries to fight a lamppost for talking to his girlfriend. Ugh. Fuck that guy.  
It’s the first Australian-made Gen Y campaign we can recall which doesn’t tell them to stop drinking altogether, an unrealistic proposition, instead urging them to take ownership of their behaviour, moderate their intake, not be that guy and practice self-awareness and consideration for others when under the influence of alcohol.
More than that, it doesn’t talk down to them or use scare tactics. It speaks to them in their own language, preaching the benefits of knowing your limits in a series of animated vignettes recalling Queens of the Stone Age’s “Go With The Flow” film clip where agency reigns supreme and young people are free to tell their friends to “please fuck off” if pressured to drink more than they want to.  

In other words; you can drink, just don’t be a dickhead about it.