Yasmin Poole Roasted A Senator For Having His ATAR In His Parliament House Bio & I’m Screaming

ATAR Yasmine Poole Ben Small

Everyone’s fave youth advocate Yasmin Poole is back at it again with roasting members of the Australian Parliament, this time pointing out that Senator Ben Small has his actual high school ATAR in his Parliament House bio.

Ben Small, who’s been a Liberal Senator in Western Australia for less than a year and already proven himself to be a dick, listed his high school ATAR in his Parliament House bio because we’re somehow supposed to care, I guess?


The more you read it, the funnier it gets. I’m fresh out of university and I haven’t been asked for my ATAR in years. The sheer irrelevance of this information is outstanding, and I just love how proudly he’s displaying it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine ATAR – but it is just such useless information. I mean, this man’s ATAR is so old, it was still called a TER, but for some reason he thinks it’s relevant and recent enough to be in a Parliament House bio??? You’d hope your school grades would fade into the background by his age, but I guess if you peaked in high school…

People on Twitter jumped onto the ATAR roast thread with their own examples of hilarious bios, and the second hand embarrassment is real.

My fave is definitely this one of Beverley McArthur, who listed a degree she didn’t even complete. I can’t believe I have to say this, but if you *don’t* have the degree, you *don’t* get to list it as part of your achievements. The fkn audacity. And these are our leaders, people.

Well, if nothing, this at least makes me feel better about my own qualifications, because if these people can get elected to run a country based on an ATAR, then surely my degree (finished) can get me through my own career.