Australia’s Lunatic Anti-Islam Party Reckons They’ve Quadrupled In Size

Without getting too philosophical on everyone’s butts: if there is some kind of higher power, then please, pleasepleaseplease, let them have mercy on us. 

The Australian Liberal Alliance, a small party with hyper-conservative values and a tendency to agree with Donald Trump on essentially everything, are speaking out about their growing membership. 
The party was launched secretly in Perth last year, by conservative anti-immigration Dutch MP Geert Wilders.
NSW Senator Kirralie Smith spoke to Fairfax, saying that they get 300+ people at metropolitan meetings, and 50-100 in rural ones – and that most say that they are disillusioned former Liberal and Labor voters.

“We just get so many Liberal and National party supporters who were paid up members who have quit that party and joined us, they are very vocal in telling us.”
Once again, let us reiterate that this party has ‘jokingly’ said that ‘Donald Trump clearly stole their policies’ about banning Muslim immigration, and they want all mosques shut down. And they truly believe that “being opposed to mosques is not racist, because mosques are not a race”. One more time for the people in the back: ‘THAT BUILDING THAT PEOPLE PEACEFULLY PRAY IN EVERYDAY IS NOT A RACE’ apparently, did you know?  
While both major parties have spoken out about the ALA and confirmed that they do not see the deluded minor conservative party as a threat, Liberal MPs (including George Christensen) have said that the small party is stealing “rank and file” members. 
Smith says their membership has quadrupled. She couldn’t provide exact membership figures for the party, but said they were in ‘the several thousands’.
She’s has previously spoken out against ‘left-wing’ media, after attempting to advertise meetings for the party. And before you start typing your comment on Facebook about youth pop culture websites having a left-wing bias – she was talking about Murdoch Media. After ALA tried to advertise in Newscorp papers but were turned down, Smith said that Newscorp had fallen to the “PC beast”. Murdoch-owned media is too PC, they reckon. Wowza. 
Anyway, if you needed a laugh, or if you feel like your faith in humanity is a little too positive atm, then you can check out Australian Liberty Alliance‘s terrifying Facebook page here:
Actually, DON’T. Watch this video of baby elephants who think they are small enough to give you a cuddle by jumping in your lap, instead:

Baby Elephants Who Want To Be Lap Dogs

Lap elephants!

Posted by The Huffington Post on Thursday, 10 March 2016

Good one. 
Source: The Age
Photo: Aus Liberty Alliance / Facebook