Andrew Bolt Runs Out Of Things To Be A Shitbag About, Goes After Beyoncé

Hello! Were you having a good hump day? Us too. 

But, not anymore. Because Andrew Bolt‘s opened his big stupid mouth again to spout some unrelentingly racist hate-speech, masquerading as ‘concern’. He pretends he’s campaigning for some kind of equality in the long run, completely ignoring the fact that equality can’t be achieved when the group that’s held the power continues to have and laud power over the other.
Oh, and he’s attacked Beyoncé. Have you ever heard anyone say ‘Man, I’d love to know what Andrew Bolt thinks of Beyoncé’? US NEITHER. Because no one’s ever fkn said it
While the article in its entirety is extremely *vomit*, here’s some of the particularly puke-worthy snippets:
  • Saying that because Beyoncé’s back-up dancers were all black, it was ‘no whites allowed’. 
  • Saying that the ‘hands up’ movement is the ‘great lie’ of the Black Lives Matter movement – that all the evidence shows Michael Brown didn’t raise his hands. So? Raising one’s hands to say ‘please don’t shoot’ is a pretty heavily documented historical movement. But mainly, WHY SHOULD SOMEONE HAVE TO ASK NOT TO BE SHOT AT ALL HOW IS THAT EVEN A POINT OH MY GOD. 
  • He immediately heads to the standard ‘actually, all lives matter’ bullshittery. How hard is it to understand? Yes, obviously all human life is important – but #BlackLivesMatter is trying to speak about a specific important issue, and the goal of #AllLivesMatter is purely to derail their conversation out of entitlement. Not everything applies to everyone, yo. Let people speak. 
  • Bolt also reckons drawing racial lines between people is ‘becoming fashionable’, and Bey & Jay-Z have contributed to that here and in the US. 
Honestly, we’re pretty speechless. This article isn’t even a hot take on why he’s wrong – it’s obvious why he’s wrong. His conservatism, lack of empathy and class/race/gender privilege is too far gone for us to even bother trying tbh. Best to just let his words pass you by like a ship in the night. 
But still, you might wanna read the full thing. Your curiosity has gotten the better of you. 
However, we ain’t gonna link to that bullshit and get the Herald Sun‘s most-read political reporter’ even more views. Because fuck that shit. But never fear – excellent and fearless Aussie writer Rebecca Shaw has helped us avoid this by screen-shotting the article and tweeting it:

(Or, here’s a DoNotLink to the Herald Sun article:

Fuck you, Andrew Bolt, you actual bag of shit. We’ve heard being an enemy of the Illuminati ain’t much fun. 
Source: Twitter.