Amy Poehler Recruits Parks & Rec Alum To Voice Puppies In Adoption Push

You know when somthing or someone is so freakin’ cute that you have thoughts of punching/squeezing/kissing it to death?
That’s how we feel about Bart, a 10-month-old mixed-breed puppy with a love for skateboarding/chewing shit/making us want him.
He’s the very cute star of the Heavy Petting, a new series on Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website that matches puppies with comedian’s voices to encourage the adoption of animals from shelters.
Comedian John Mulaney voices the series’ first video, of Bart, while future episodes will apparently feature the voices of Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, and Aziz Ansari.

Puppies + some of our favourite funny people = urges to adopt all the puppies.
Via YouTube.