Amber Rose Nails Consent Again, Says No Means No Even When “Butt Naked”

It’s ironic Amber Rose’s latest sexism shutdown has come on Rev. Run’s show, because she’s the only one preaching.

In case you missed it, Rose – whose resurgence in the public eye has come about largely due to her feminist activism – appeared on Tyrese Gibson’s show with the Rev It’s Not You, It’s Men to talk shop about the conditions she faces as a proud woman who’s A-OK with their sexuality.

Sadly but unsurprisingly, she let the hosts know she’s “sexually assaulted constantly”, due to blokes (and some ladies, too) feeling entitled to her body. 

The other two suggest that may be due to the “energy [she’d] sent out there that creates that type of response,” or it’s a “representation of what you’re wearing and stuff and seems like, in their mind, what you’re representing.”

Roll the clip.

Amber Rose Shuts Down Anyone Confused About The Meaning Of Consent

What follows is an utterly succinct description of how this whole consent deal works:

“If I’m laying down with a man, butt naked, and his condom is on, and I say, “you know what, no, I don’t wanna do this. I changed my mind”?

That means no. That means fucking no, that’s it. 

It doesn’t matter how far I take it or what I have on. When I say no, it means no.”

Of course, this latest educational endeavour comes after Rose’s Funny Or Die skit celebrating the Walk Of (No) Shame, while Aussie women who aren’t afraid to display their bodies on their own terms continue to elicit unprovoked sexual harassment too.

She finished up by blaming the culture and expectations placed upon us regarding women, and reminded the two she used to be a slut-shamer too; it’s probably just as well she had another chance to publically combat the hosts’ antiquated views, ’cause there’s no use preaching to the converted. 

Carry on, Amber.

Source: Complex / E!
Photo: Aol.