Alexis Bledel Shed Some Light On Rory Gilmore’s Exes (Even That Fuck Dean)

With the knowledge that not just one, but all three of Rory Gilmore‘s major ex-boyfriends would be returning to Stars Hollow for the Netflix revival series ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,’ speculation is now rife that the series is going to conclude with some sort of grand reunion, leading Rory and one-of-three-options to gleefully ride off into the sunset together.

Obviously, being a three-way decision, fans are split about who they think Rory is best suited to at this point in her life, and who from the past series is the best of the bunch.
Except, of course, Dean: a pure hot garbage person who should be banned from Stars Hollow forever and shot into the sun.
But naturally no one could ever speak for Rory. Not a single one of us. In fact, save for maybe a couple of writers here and there, the only person on the planet who actually can speak for Rory Gilmore is Alexis Bledel.
The actor behind them ridiculous blue eyes sat down with Entertainment Weekly ahead of the imminent release of the series to discuss, among other things, what she thinks of each of the Big 3.

Firstly Dean, the scoundrel fuck:

“The first one I guess is like her first love, so she’s sort of swept away and it’s very impactful for her. I mean she kind of has a long road to get over that one.”

Then Jess, the one true Good Boy™:

“Jess kind of is like a shock to the system. It’s like a complete 180 from where she was so she’s trying to discover another side of her personality and be challenged more intellectually, have fun kind of in a different, more grown-up way.”

And finally Logan, whom I’m indifferent to in the way that a passing motorist is indifferent to roadkill:

“Logan, to me, always seemed like it’s her version of someone, like what she thinks her dad was like. His life is more like what Lorelai and Christopher, like their relationship, maybe this would’ve been what their life would have been like if they had stayed together.”

EW also enlisted Jared Padalecki, Milo Ventimiglia, and Matt Czuchry to give their two cents on their respective characters’ relationships with the blessed Rory.

First again is Dean, who is a bastard man with the moral backbone of a cuttlefish:
“If I were to think of how Dean affected Rory’s life, it would be the same as how a first love or a first relationship affects all of our lives.”

Secondly is Jess, the kind of young rogue whose rough edges would’ve gotten shaved off with time:

They loved each other. They totally loved each other. When someone is challenging and you want them so bad as well, it’s going to absolutely drive you nuts.”

And finally Logan, who is the half-full tin of mustard powder of ex-boyfriends. He appeared in your house one day and you’ve never understood how or why:

“I’ve always seen Rory as this incredibly independent woman. And I think that that’s what Logan loves about Rory; it’s that Rory doesn’t need anything from anybody.”

So the question remains, how does Rory see her future panning out? With the slightly rebellious edge patterned and instilled in her by her mother? Or does she entertain the slightly more traditional stylings of the Gilmore family that her Grandmother would so dearly like to see?

It’s Logan, isn’t it. Logan’s the best of both those worlds. She’s gonna bloody end up with Logan, isn’t she.
Ahh well. Anyone but Dean, that shit.
The good news is that the wait is almost over, at long last, and come November 25 (HOLY SHIT THAT’S NEXT WEEK) we’ll all get to find out together.