Adelaide Needs To Lift Its KFC Game

Adelaide, where the churches are plentiful and the ‘dirty bird’ is proper dirty.

A KFC franchise in Elizabeth has been accused of serving a customer ‘chicken’ whose poor breasts were wracked by a most unholy mouldy affliction i.e. mould. Ms Lauren Brewer, 22, said she ate one crispy strip and then found what she believes to have been “mould” on the second one. “I immediately felt sick to my stomach,” she said, but then when she called the store (presumably she left and then called? Suspish. Or she got it drive-thru. Unconfirmed.) they suggested she return the chicken from whence it came (to the store) but denied it could possibly be mouldy.

“Still would” – Dog.

In a statement KFC said, “While we understand the customer’s concern, we can discount that the colouring on the product was mould. Our food technology experts have confirmed that it would be impossible for any mould to grow on a food product that has been cooked less than an hour earlier. It is our expert’s opinion that the colouring was from oil in the cabinet where the product is kept warm and displayed before sale. Since obtaining this advice, a senior manager from KFC has contacted the customer to advise of the outcome and steps have been taken to ensure this incident will not be repeated. Food quality, our customers’ wellbeing and cleanliness of our stores is of the utmost importance to KFC.

The Advertiser reports that Ms Brewer remains “positive” that the markings were mould – “there’s no way it could have been anything else”. Meanwhile, this is the very same restaurant where a year ago a customer took a picture through the drive-thru, which then proceeded to go viral due to the filth it displayed:

After reporting on the Kentucky Fried Chicken debacle alleges that another reader sent in a “photo of what he said was half-cooked chicken bought from KFC’s Elizabeth store a couple of days ago (Source: Supplied).”
The only issue is that there is no proof/anything to suggest that this is KFC chicken and not a stock photo of uncooked chicken:

Fast Food, We Love You (/will eat you) But You’re Bringing Us Down.

via News