1 in 4 Aussie Men Say They Do Exactly Zero Household Chores & Wait, Really?

Remember filling out the census last year? Remember slogging through what felt like one bazillion boring questions about what you’d done in the last week – a huge ask, when it’s nigh-impossible to recall what you had for dinner last night? 
I know it’s hard, but can you remember what you put for Question 48: “In the last week, did the person spend time doing unpaid domestic work for their household?
Because apparently, more than one in four blokes who responded said they did exactly bupkis around the house. That’s including housework, food prep, cleaning, laundry, gardening, home maintenance, shopping for the house and managing the finances. 
One in four. Said they did ZERO OF ALL OF THAT. 
Frankly, this has to be a mistake, because literally every person gets themselves a glass of juice or reheats a bowl of leftovers at least once a week. 
But mistake or no, it does point to an alarming possibility: that one in four Australian blokes is cunningly leeching off the labour and resources of other members of their household in order to go about their lives unencumbered by tedious chores. 
My dudes: you are doing us all a disservice. Please, for the love of god, tackle Mount Washmore sometime this week. Your country will thank you. 
Oh, and if you’re wondering how much time the average Australian woman spends doing all the boring crap listed above: five to 14 hours per week. Yikes.
Source: News.com.au / SMH
Image: Petri Oeschger / Getty.