Perth Fan Sues Axl Rose After Microphone Mishap

It was an inglorious welcome to the jungle for longtime Guns N’ Roses fan Darren Wright, partially losing his two front teeth after being hit by a cordless microphone, thrown into the crowd by Axl Rose.  

With the bright lights and explosions, I couldn’t see anything. The
next thing I knew, I was whacked in the mouth. I thought I had been
punched. I was quite stunned and it took a few seconds to realise what
was going on. I could feel bits of teeth in my mouth. Then someone is
climbing through my legs to grab the microphone
,” Wright said. “I don’t think he intended to do it, but it came at me at a fairly flat
and hard trajectory. Those cordless microphones are not
light. I’m surprised it didn’t do more damage. At the very least, I want
someone to pay to get my teeth fixed.

In what appears to be a generous gesture gone wrong, unfortunately microphones are quite unlike guitar pics or drum sticks in terms of their crowd toss suitability. Tour promoter Andrew McManus contacted Wright, offering his apologies and a signed microphone but due to Wright’s newly developed fear of vocal-amplification devices, the offer was turned down with Wright adding, “I don’t think the microphone is going to fix my teeth.” Wright is reportedly seeking the $5000 to cover his much needed dental work.