Kanye talks Kanye and refers to himself as Kanye in NY Times Interview

Kanye West was interviewed by the NY Times over several hours and three days this month. Published yeesterday, It was dense and lol jerking, and you likely caught wind of it because everything the guy does becomes an instant internet meme. 

Assembled conveniently for anyone who happened to miss it/ shunned it for reasons pertaining to length, here is every instance of Kanye West referring to himself in the third person and proving that he is capable of indeed, trumping his own historical displays of maxxed out self esteem. Nek level:
On laying it down
You know, if Michael Jordan can scream at the refs, me as Kanye West, as the Michael Jordan of music, can go and say, “This is wrong.” 
On whether or not My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is dishonest or not 
I’m sure even a Steve Jobs has compromised. Even a Rick Owens has compromised. You know, even a Kanye West has compromised. 

On the Kanye formula 
There are people who have figured out the exact, you know, Kanye West formula, the mix between “Graduation” and “808s,” and were able to become more successful at it. “Stronger” was the first, like, dance-rap song that resonated to that level, and then “808s” was the first album of that kind, you know? 
On his self-conception as an outsider 
I think just more actual self-realisation and self-belief. The longer your ‘gevity is, the more confidence you build. The idea of Kanye and vanity are like, synonymous. 

On his place in the world 
Yeah, respect my trendsetting abilities. Once that happens, everyone wins. The world wins; fresh kids win; creatives win; the company wins.

I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period. By a long jump. I honestly feel that because Steve has passed, you know, it’s like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z. 

On his brand
So when you get something that has the name Kanye West on it, it’s supposed to be pushing the furthest possibilities. I will be the leader of a company that ends up being worth billions of dollars, because I got the answers. I understand culture. I am the nucleus. 
Bonus lol: 
On the constant struggle for all-encompassing dopeness
I’ve had meetings where a guy actually told me, “What we’re trying to figure out is how we can control you.” In the meeting, to me! Why do you want to control me? Like, I want the world to be better! All I want is positive! All I want is dopeness! Why would you want to control that? 
If you desire a more measured dialogue, that’s hilarious, but you can read the whole thing here