Zero Effort Went Into John Mayer’s Latest Music Video & It’s Still Fab

It’s Friday and John Mayer’s feeling done. Earlier today he unleashed his latest music video for his song New Light and hoo boy, it’s peak broke arts student with just a touch of funding from the arts faculty.

In other words, it’s a goldmine of future memes.

Spreading the news via his twitter, Mayer explained:

“I needed to make a video for New Light but nobody could agree on a budget. (MUSIC INDUSTRY amirite?) So I went to a place downtown and made this with a company that usually does birthday and Bar Mitzvah videos.”

Whatever floats your boat, Johnny boy.

To add to the whole ~ lewk ~ Mayer even filmed the music video in a casual and very comfortable looking hoodie complete with sweats because there’s no turning back now.

Plus, to emphasis just how low budget this whole project really is, the video is prefaced by an ‘ad’ for the company that made the music video and it’s 90s as hell.

It reads:

“Celebrity Status: Music Video Service

Client: 1026 – John Mayor

Performing: ‘New Light’”

Yep, this very low budget music video company even spelt the dude’s name wrong.

A zebra.

Other things that feature in the music video:

  • John dancing with more Johns
  • Totally real fireworks
  • Totally real animals
  • Totally real John flying in the sky
  • John totally rocking out in a theatre
  • John chilling in a car with a random woman

You can watch the full glorious clip below:

Lame and weird but good all at once.

Even though Mayer insists this is all because the team couldn’t decide on a budget for his music video, this is definitely some very brilliant marketing and his PR team should be proud.

I personally haven’t sussed a song from Mayer in years so onya team.

Have a fabulous Friday, friends.