Play A Seinfeld Game About Nothing Because You Literally Have Nothing Better To Do

If we’re going to endorse just one culturally relevant one dimensional in-browser gaming experience designed to scratch the very specific itch felt by the fans of a cult TV show that you as a human being are obligated to appreciate, this is it.  

The Junior Mint – a terrible human being simulator engineered by the man behind the masterful @Seinfeld2000 Twitter account – is a game about nothing. But then again, something? Specifically, Jerry and Kramer’s quest to land as many Junior Mints as possible into the open wound of a patient undergoing surgery so that the art owned by George made by that patient increases in value.

What isn’t outlined is that to accomplish such a task requires the luck, vision and spatial awareness of someone capable of striking a golf ball into a whale’s blowhole. Miley Cyrus will occasionally swing through on a wrecking ball. The O.R. floor will be populated by a plethora of infuriating obstacles; doctors, medical equipment and cameo appearances from George, Elaine and Newman. And the inclusion of non-canon plot points is about as questionable as the game’s physics algorithm. 

But none of that will matter because you’re slaving away at work right now and there is literally no other way you would like to spend the next two minutes of your life.