Beyoncé Pulls Off Greatest Selfie Photobomb Ever While Singing (Presumably) Flawlessly

Never one to be outshone for too long, Beyoncé’s latest spotlight pulling hijinks in the endless endeavour to school all’a’y’all is a masterclass in multitasking, involving:
  • Effortlessly photobombing the serendipitous selfie of an opportune fifteen-year-old dancer from Melbourne, Valentina.
  • Still managing to get her best side and an A+ smile in shot (though to be fair, when you’re Beyoncé, every side is your best side and every smile is A+).
  • Stooping mid-performance to hold hands with a squealing fan while executing said selfie photobomb.
  • All the while maintaining that impossible veneer of perfection and still managing to (presumably) sing flawlessly. 
“It was such a blur i just remember her bending down to me and my friend and i just turned for the photo and wowoowow it was the best moment ever”, writes Valentina of that life-changing wowoowow moment on her Tumblr.
Haters: to the left [to the left].

What Beyonce does:

via Valentina on Tumblr, Beyoncé on Facebook