Avicii’s ‘Secret Girlfriend’ Breaks Silence In Heartfelt Open Letter To Him

In a lengthy open letter posted to her Instagram, model Tereza Kačerová has claimed that she was the secret girlfriend of Tim Bergling, aka Avicii, the beloved Swedish DJ and producer who died last weekend in Oman 

“Dear Tim,” she wrote, “I’ve spent the last days waiting to wake up, waiting for someone to tell me that this is some sick joke, some awful mistake. I think it’s finally settling on me now that I will truly never get to see you again.”


Kačerová, who also posted various pictures of Avicii with her and her young son, said that the couple had planned on having a child, but that she was “always very set on keeping our relationship private because I wanted it to be OURS and ours only and wanted no part in the madness.”

On the day of his death, she says she went to his house and lay under his shower, then went to his bedroom hoping he would be there. “I took all your sheets and pillows and comforter and even the mattress cover home, so that I could sleep in them, surrounded by the smell of you,” she said.

She also remembered small details of their relationship together, such as playing Disney Monopoly with friends, and their first date, on which he bought out a florist’s entire stock of red roses, and she pulled him into a pool with his phone in his pocket.

In conclusion, she wrote: “I read that before he died, Thomas Edison came out of a coma, looked upwards and said, “it is very beautiful up there”. Take comfort in that. REST IN PEACE, TIN. Try to come back to Earth soon so that you and Luka can play together again. Love Tereza.”

You can read her full letter below:

