13-Year Old Creates Worst Pop Song Ever

Surely creating a track which goes onto be branded with the stigma ‘Worst Pop Song Ever‘, would be just as onerous as creating the best song ever. You need the same elements: a lot of luck, impeccable marketing, and legions of arm chair critics who will dedicate a week to panning your art.

Whether or not Rebecca Black is a highly adept troll who has garnered the perfect reaction is unclear. Although, it would seem that she isn’t, and all she has done is record a truly abhorrent song which has gained notoriety for how awful it is.

The video has received over 13 million views so far – more than Radio Head and The Strokes singles combined.

It’s essential to do an academic breakdown of this track and weigh it up against another piece of odious Pop fodder; as I feel it’s the only way to really put this into perspective. Below is a lyrical excerpt from The Black Eyed Peas ‘I Gotta Feeling’.

Tonight’s the night
Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let’s get get OFF

And now an excerpt from Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’.

7am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

It’s tough – both are really bad. The BEP’s win the prize here for laziness, while Rebecca takes the cake for literalness. We do also need to keep in mind that Rebbecca is 13 and the Black Eyed Peas have an average age of 35. Just sayin’.

Do you think ‘Friday’ is the worst song ever?