Apparently There’s 7 Different Types Of Rest So Here’s What They Are And Why You Need Them

PEDESTRIAN.TV has partnered with QLD Health to help you be the best (and most rested) you.

Are you waking up feeling like a sedated sloth on Monday morning? Do you find yourself yawning the whole day, even after a “good” night’s sleep? Well, you’re not alone, my friend

Here’s the thing, sometimes sleep alone won’t fix your tiredness. You need to give your body and mind the rest they deserve, in fact, according to physician and researcher Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of the book “Sacred Rest”, humans need seven types of rest.

Physical Rest

As the name suggests, physical rest means taking a break from all the physical activities that tire you out. But don’t be fooled, physical rest doesn’t just mean lying in bed all day, binging Succession and pizza, it means really resting and looking after your body. Even light activities like yoga, stretching, or a relaxing massage can be considered “active rest” and can do wonders for your tired muscles.

Mental Rest

If your brain refuses to switch off at night, you might be dealing with a mental rest deficit. Coffee might help you power through the day, but in the long run, it’ll only make things worse. So take short breaks throughout the day, do some journaling before bedtime, or try “thought defusion” — it’s not as complicated as it sounds — it’s just the fancy term for observing your thoughts without stressing over them.

Sensory Rest

In today’s world of constant stimulation, sensory rest is more important than ever. So turn off those screens, put away your phone, and take some time to just be. And if you want to take it a step further, try five senses grounding. It’s like mindfulness, but with extra spice.

Emotional Rest

Look, pretending everything is fine when it’s not, is like trying to put out a fire with a deodorant can. So instead of bottling up your emotions, try being authentic. Tell your friend you’re feeling frustrated, angry, or annoyed. Trust me, it’s better out than in. It’ll be like a weight lifted off your shoulders, and most likely lead to a positive outcome (your friend not being so annoying).

Social Rest

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, knowing your social battery level is crucial. You don’t want to be the freak falling asleep at the party. So find your limits, and recharge when you need to.

Creative Rest

If you work in any sort of creative field, creative rest is a must. Surround yourself with inspiration, take a break from your work, and let your brain recharge. Breaking free from the grind and immersing yourself in awe-inspiring spaces is what refills your creative battery. Think art galleries, lush landscapes, or any spot that makes your creative heart skip a beat (in a good way, if this keeps happening, consult a doctor).

Whatever your version of creative rest is, it’s important it falls under the category of activities that light up your creative spirit and set your imagination on fire. Remember, creative rest is a necessity, not a luxury. Prioritise it to tap into your full creative potential, find inspiration, and ultimately maintain your long-term productivity. Think of it like a fun investment in your creative success.

Spiritual Rest

Finally, spiritual rest means connecting with something greater than yourself. It’s like finding your zen, your inner peace, your happy place. So whether it’s meditation, prayer, or joining a community that aligns with your values, find something that makes you feel connected and make it a part of your routine.

For more information on staying on top of your wellbeing, head to Queensland Health