Recent Studies Show Aussies Skip Sunscreen, Making Morrison’s Slip Slop Slap Speech Even Worse

woman rubbing sunscreen on her chest.

Update 23/12/2021

In almost impeccable timing, Prime Minister Scott Morrison likened mask-wearing to the Slip Slop Slap campaign this week.

This year actually marks the 40th anniversary of that iconic sun safety campaign, and research from last month shows that young Australians aren’t being as responsible with sun protection as we should be.

So let’s revisit this one again, shall we?

The Cancer Council has reported that young people are falling behind when it comes to sun safety, and as an SPF-obsessed binch it is my duty to remind y’all to slip slop slap some sunscreen on every single day, please.

According to the Cancer Council, just over half of Aussies (54%) reckon sun protection is a solid part of their daily routine in summer, but over 1 in 4 (28%) admit that it isn’t.

The new data revealed that young Aussies, in particular, are less likely to use sun protection than older people, with 1 in 5 of people aged 18-24 reporting they don’t use any sun protection at all while outdoors. Excuse me???

As a young person in this age group who generally wears 50 SPF sunscreen everyday rain, hail or shine, this data honestly makes my skin shrivel a little bit and now I am entering my worried mum era.

Considering how, for many of us in this generation, skincare has become a staple of our lives, I cannot stress enough how much sunscreen should definitely be the one self-care routine you absolutely must stick to. Aside from the fact it’ll stop your skin ageing like milk, it’ll also protect you from the most common cancer in Australia.

Currently, two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70 every year. But, as terrifying as that sounds, skin cancer is also the most preventable cancer, and it’s so easy to slap on some sunscreen and a hat when you’re outside!!

I know some people hate wearing sunscreen because it messes with their make up — but there are ways to get around that!! And honestly, avoiding cancer is probably an ok price to pay for a slightly shiny face. Just call it a dewy look and it’s fine!

There are heaps of easy ways to incorporate sunscreen into your life — wear make up that has a high SPF (not just that 15 SPF shit), carry around a travel-sized bottle of sunscreen as a staple, like your hand sanitiser, chapstick or house keys, and add it to your skincare routine when you’re washing and moisturising your face.

And of course, make sure you lather up *any* part of your skin that’s going to be exposed to the sun, inclusive of hands, feet, legs, your back, etc.

I know we’ve grown up with sunscreen that’s tacky and too white, but cosmetics have come a long way in recent years, and I promise there is a sunscreen out there that is right for you. Stay safe everyone, and remember to slip slop slap!