WATCH: Sophie Monk Reads (Mostly Nice) Tweets About ‘The Bachelorette’

We are counting down the hours until Sophie Monk appears as ‘The Bachelorette‘, in the hopes of finding her true love. Okay okay, so am counting down the hours until Sophie Monk appears, and I get to make fun of a bunch of men while at the same time hoping Sophie does actually find happiness with one of them.

I’m a complicated person.

One of the reasons i’m so excited about the show (which starts tomorrow night on Channel 10 at 7:30pm), is because I have loved Monk since her Bardot days, and know that she has the range to make the series extremely entertaining.

And all the signs are good for this to happen, with each promo featuring a sincere and charming Sophie on display. The latest video has Sophie addressing comments from fans who have posted about her on social media.

They include comments such as one person saying all they want from the season is a re-release of Bardot’s ‘Poison‘, which I mean, extremely very same (I did not write that comment though). To this Monk replies that she actually didn’t sing much on that track, so she couldn’t pull it off solo. Sophie!!!

Check out the full clip below.

We/I look forward to tuning in tomorrow.