The New York Times Is Weirdly Selling A Unique ‘Star Wars’ Book

There’s gotta be at least one hardcore Star Wars collector out there, folks. If you’re sick of picking up figurines and toy lightsabers, The New York Times is inexplicably selling their own piece of Star Wars merch – a hardcover collection of all the stories they’ve published about the series since day one.

The coffee table book begins with a 1973 interview with George Lucas, where he casually mentions that he’s begun work on a space opera film, and charts a course all the way through to coverage of The Last Jedi.

It covers everything from articles to reviews to obituaries and colour pieces about the series, giving you a thorough look at how the paper of record has approached one of the most popular film series of all time. It is an incredibly odd piece of merchandise but also… kinda cool?

It’s definitely one for the collector – it’ll set you back US$70. Hoo mama!