Forget $$$ Trailers, This Low-Budget Remake Of ‘Avengers’ Takes The Hammer

Ah school-projects. One day they’re broadening our minds, the next they’re going super viral on Twitter. Yesterday, many were blessed by a remake of the Avengers: Infinity Trailer by a couple of legends for an English school-project over in Indonesia.

Forget Doctor Strange’s mystic energy discs, dinner plates will do the trick. Black Widow’s platinum blonde hair? Grab a scarf and whack it on. And what about the mighty powerful Infinity Stones? COLOURED PEGS ON A GLOVE.

So behold and enjoy this amazing spoof remake, filmed scene to scene to match the original.

And yes, that is a basketball substituted for a planet in the feature image.

The video already has a whopping 1.4 million views just on Twitter so if that alone doesn’t warrant an A+, I don’t know what will.

As you can imagine, Twitter very much appreciated the relatable trailer.


Yes, that is an army of people on a field replaced by brown crackers flung across green paper.

Even if you bloody hated it with all your guts, you have to commend the creativity and just how in-sync that trailer is to the original.

Anywhoo, since the original trailer dropped over the weekend, fans have absolutely lost it over the amount of rumours and confirmed rumours flying around.

Just today directors and utter teases, the Russo brothers let slip of the two characters that would be grabbing the most screen time. One’s super obvious – Thanos – SHOCKER. He is the villain so that makes a lot of sense. The other is Thor. Make what you want of that but since everyone’s got their money on either Vision, Captain America, or Iron Man dying, perhaps Thor is in the safe lane. Unless of course the Russo brothers screw us all over.

This is true though, Thor majorly missed out in Age of Ultron.