You Can Now Feed People To Dart From ‘Stranger Things’ & It’s V. Satisfying

Feed Dart Stranger Things

Warning: this post contains spoilers for Stranger Things S2. Which really, you should have bloody well watched by now so get to it.

The wondrous second season of Netflix’s smash-hit Stranger Things gave us a handful of new faces, the least pretty of all being Dustin‘s (Gaten Matarazzo) new pal D’Artagnan (affectionately nicknamed Dart).

The slimy lil’ critter pretty quickly reveals himself to be a bebe Demogorgon (or “Demodog” if you’re one of the Hawkins kids and down with the local slang), and he has a huge appetite. While he does enjoy the odd 3 Musketeers bar, he’s also partial to a snack of house cat which was revealed in a scene that will haunt me, a noted feline enthusiast, for the rest of my days.

Perhaps in an effort to avoid any more pet-related offences, the evil geniuses behind the show have launched an interactive site where you can feed literally anyone to the hungry, less-than-discerning creature.

Your worst enemy? Feed ’em to Dart! Your best m8? Chuck ’em Dart’s way! Donald Trump? Unlike the rest of the world, Dart thinks he’s bloody delicious!

Even Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard joined in the fun. We can’t say we agree with his choice of cuisine though.

Anyone but our beloved Hopper. Have a heart, Finn.