Chadwick Boseman Surprised ‘Black Panther’ Fans And It’s Emotional AF

Prepare yourself for some wholesome content this Friday evening ‘cos Black Panther star, Chadwick Boseman surprised extremely thankful fans on The Tonight Show Staring Jimmy Fallon and ngl, it’s bloody emotional.

It begins with fans backstage where they stand on a marker, and talk to a Black Panther poster about why they’re so thankful for the movie. If you’ve been living in a deep, dark hole and have no idea why this is then you need help.  But on a serious note, Black Panther has been an incredibly important film for the black community – showing them and the world that they are powerful, important, and have a voice. And, it’s the first really major superhero film with a majority black cast.

During or afterwards, Chadwick Boseman steps out from behind the poster and there are screams, cuddles, and tears. Seriously, grab the damn tissues.

So the first guy, Darren lines up says:

“I can’t express how much this means to me and the community and the family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you’ve done, for really being a hero that we really need in a time like this. Thank you so much.” 

As you can imagine, when Chadwick appeared Darren lost his shit and kept saying, “My king, my king,” which was ammaazzingg.

Throughout the video you can really see just how much Black Panther means to these people.

Then, a mother and her son line up and the tears are real.

“As the mother of a young son, my son’s childhood has been defined by Barack Obama and now Black Panther so thank you.” 

And one more ‘cos I’m taking you all down with me:

“I just wanted to take a second to thank all the black women too because they were so strong on their own terms and answered to no one but themselves which is so important because they weren’t strong because they were angry, they weren’t strong because they were hurt, they were strong because they were strong and that meant the world to me so thank you. Wakanda Forever.” 

You can experience all the feels in the full video below: