Zac Efron Broke His Year-Long Silence On Why His Face Looks Different & The Story Is Fkn Gnarly

zac efron face

Zac Efron has addressed why his face has changed so drastically in an interview with Men’s Health, quashing the rumours that he got plastic surgery.

According to Zac, his face had to be reconstructed after a pretty gnarly accident at home.

Rumours of Zac Efron’s plastic surgery began to emerge back in April 2021, after he made an appearance in Bill Nye‘s Earth Day Special video on Facebook. Folks online were quite shocked to see Zac Efron looking… very different to say the least.

zac efron new face
I do not know this man.

The speculation mounted into a large-scale online discussion about bodily autonomy and how dangerous it is to make assumptions about someone’s appearance without knowing what’s going on.

Hell, even Jameela Jamil jumped into the conversation. That’s how you know the discourse went too wild.

It’s been approximately 17 whole entire months of people speculating and Zac is only saying something now. Power to him though, he knew what was up and didn’t feel the need to write a press release about his face.

In the interview with Men’s Health Zac clarified that he was running around his house with socks on then slipped and slammed the bottom of his face on the corner of a granite fountain. Yes, you read that correctly, a granite fountain. Inside his house.

According to Zac he completely blacked out after the hit and found his chin bone “hanging off his face” when he awoke. So yeah, definitely not plastic surgery.

Zac told Men’s Health that when the plastic surgery rumours emerged he wasn’t even aware of them until his mother called him to ask if he had work done. Zac, my boy, you didn’t even tell mum that your face got ripped off by a fountain?

“If I valued what other people thought of me to the extent that they may think I do I definitely wouldn’t be able to do this work,” he said.

Well there you have it folks, we finally have an answer to a question we asked over a year ago. It’s good to see Zac has recovered pretty well since the incident.