WATCH: The ABC’s ‘LOTR’ Election Recap Makes Way More Sense Than Real Life

Anybody who saw the ABC‘s coverage of the Federal Election was probably just as overawed at the CGI trickery on display as they were at the stunning lack of a definitive result. 

Like, damn. Nice work Aunty, for momentarily distracting us from the very real ramifications of the evening’s political quagmire.

Still, their animation team probably got even less sleep than the delirious Leigh Sales, ’cause they dropped this memey masterpiece on Insiders this morning:

Slapping ol’ Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull into Lord of the Rings is fine and all, but the Richard di Natale jab? The riff on the ABCC? That sneaky AF Game of Thrones reference? Ooft.

For the record, if you start watching the director’s cut version of the trilogy now, it’ll probably wrap up just in time for the election result’s arrival on Tuesday.

Source and photo: Insiders / YouTube.