Watch: South Park Documentary Trailer

South Park has built a pop-culture empire founded on swear words, fart jokes, and confronting racial/sexist/anti-Semitic insults ever since its first episode ‘Cartman Gets An Anal Probe’ some fourteen years ago, . The longevity of the show is nothing short of astonishing, especially given the trouble its contemporaries (The Simpsons and Family Guy) have had lately in trying to stay relevant. Now thanks to a documentary which shows us how fast they get an episode off the ground and onto our screens, we’re starting to understand why.

The Comedy Central documentary 6 Days To Air (October 9) , details this frantic South Park studio machine, where around 70 writers, animators, and actors, attempt to make 22 minutes of brilliance in under a week. That’s approximately 1034 times quicker than it took Axl Rose to release Chinese Democracy , for those of you playing at home, and we know which one we prefer.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker‘s crudely animated love-child has won four Emmy Awards, is watched by 3.7 million people a week and featured in Time Magazine’s ‘100 best TV shows of all time,’ all despite having a production timeline of less than a week per episode. This is how they’re able to satirise public events so quickly, resulting in many a reluctant laugh of the “too soon?” variety. We’re looking forward to the next one which will inevitably target Australian women on the front line.

via South Park Studios.