WATCH: Romy White Apologises To The Actual Inventor Of Post-It Notes

Remember this?
Of course you do, because who hasn’t quoted Romy And Michele’s High School Reunion at some point in the last 18 years? Who, huh?
Yep, it’s been that long since Romy White (Mira Sorvino) and Michele Weinberger (Lisa Kudrow) claimed to be the inventors of the Post-It note in front of their bitchy high school classmates/captured out hearts.
It’s now so much a ‘Romy And Michele’ thing that pretty much no one could tell you who the legit inventor of the sticky-note is, but Mira finally got the chance to give credit where credit’s due on a US talk show, when she was surprised with an appearance by the actual creator of everyone’s favourite handy labeller, a dude named Art Fry
She even drops into Romy’s voice (?!?!?!?) to formally apologise for stealing his thunder.
Spoiler: Art forgives Mira, and is less concerned with a ‘sorry’ than he is cracking onto her, explaining she’s “very nice to look at” and that her name means ‘Mirror’ in Spanish.

Sins absolved, Mira.
~ Romy + Michele 4eva ~