WATCH: Reggie Watts Goes In On Taylor Swift, Beyoncé And The Lumineers

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Anyone who has seen the important SNL documentary ‘The Beygency will know that one does not speak ill of Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter without expecting to reap the consequences of their lacklustre asides.

During our recent chat with the singer, beatboxer, actor, comedian and all round talented musician, Reggie Watts, we perspired nervously as he discussed Beyoncé’s body of work and that Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker case. 

Watts also speaks to the corporatisation of musical performers, their tightly controlled brands and asks “What are they saying, really, what are they saying?”. He straight up thinks Taylor Swift is “a terrible live performer” and calls her “very boring, very bland”.

Say what he will about Swift’s abilities, though, her WELCOMING TO THE STAGE skills are above par: