Watch Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segal Reprise Their ‘Les Mis’ Confrontation Duet

How I Met Your Mother, a popular period drama about a group of friends enabling each others’ terrible life choices, even more questionable jokes and spin-offs, meets its maker come Tuesday, much to the chagrin of another popular enabler, Lindsay Lohan

Will the show’s titular matriarch turn out to have been dead the entire time? Maybe. Is the eponymous Mother nothing more than an elaborate catfish hoax Barney has been playing on Ted all along (that’s so Barney, always pulling hilarious pranks, I guess)? Probably not.
Has the entire show been little more than an artful ruse conducted to allow Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segal to repeatedly whip out their favourite party trick whenever the occasion calls for a performance of ‘Confrontation’ from Les Misérables? Almost certainly. 
Did that situation arise recently on a farewell episode of In The Actors Studio? Yes, it did. 
Is Russell Crowe shaking his damn head right now? Without a doubt.