WATCH: Hypocritical Trump Coverage Evokes 12 Mins Of Vintage Jon Stewart

Depending on how you look at it, Jon Stewart noped out of the comedic political commentary game at the absolute best or worst time.

The bloke missed out on the great majority of the presidential nominee process, and the joys that came with it – Birdie Sanders? The Zodiac Killer, anyone? – but he also left behind the stress of campaign coverage to rescue farm animals. 

We won’t lie, the results of that decision have been pretty stellar. 

Still, in his ambush appearance on tonight’s post-Republican National Convention The Late Show appearance, Stewart returned to the throne vacated by ol’ m8 Stephen Colbert, and… he’s still got it, guys. 

Instead of using his time to directly attack their nominee Donald Trump, Stewart instead focused on the apparent hypocrisy of pundit Sean Hannity. 

Charging through a series of clips that show Hannity – politely labeled “Lumpy” – ragging on President Obama, Stewart asks why TF those same complaints aren’t laid down on Trump.

A particularly onerous 180 degree turn on teleprompter etiquette gives way to a critique on the way Hannity addressed each man’s junk food predilections. All of those small arguments congeal into one steaming slab of hypocrisy that evokes the Stewart of yore:

“You feel that you’re this country’s rightful owners. There’s only one problem with that: this country isn’t yours.

You don’t own it. It never was. There is no ‘real America’. You don’t own it. 

You don’t own patriotism, you don’t own Christianity, you sure as hell don’t own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of military, police and fire fighters.”
Typically rousing stuff, and he even managed to sneak a trademark Arby’s reference in. Come back, Jon. Please. 
