WATCH: Gather Round, Kanye Just Unleashed Another God-Tier Rant On ‘Ellen’

‘Round these parts, we pay attention when somebody gives Kanye West a microphone. It usually means we’re about to be the recipients of some , regardless of whether it’s put to music or not. 

Well, friends, today’s sermon from the Temple of Ye was a capella, and delivered on Ellen. 

In a rapid-fire and sprawling eight-minute monologue – what’s new, really – the bloke careened through Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and Picasso, once again likening his ambition to those legit masters of the craft. 

This time around, we were also gifted with another batch of made-for-Twitter soundbites; Ellen, bless her, asked him if he’d ever rethink his almighty Twitter rants. The response, perfectly, was “what’s the point in thinking?”

It turns out when he is thinking, his thought processes veer into the vaguely philanthropic. In a legitimately heartfelt moment amid the maelstrom of loosely-connected thoughts, Yeezy said he remembered being picked on in the fifth grade for his clothes.

In response, Kanye, circa 2016, “called the head of Pay-Less. ‘I want to work with you. I want to take all the information that I’ve learned from sitting at all these fashion shows, and knocking at all these doors, and buying all these expensive clothes, and I want to take away bullying.’”

Two seconds later, he’s talking about Michael Jackson. Such is the life of Pablo. 

“Isn’t that so funny? That people point fingers at the people who have influenced us the most?

“They talk the most shit about the people who cared the most? I’m sorry, daytime television. I’m sorry for the realness.”
You don’t have to apologise, mate:

B-B-BONUS ROUND: The bloke was also given the opportunity to yell the word “balls” in rapid succession. Do with this information what you will: