WATCH: A Bloke Wrecks Some Fruit, Brings Your Fingering Game Up To Scratch

Welp. At the very least, you’re definitely not going to look at a fruit salad the same way ever again.

Whether your bedroom game is running at pro levels, or whether you’re just kinda starting out, there’s barely a human being on the planet that couldn’t use a quick refresher course from time to time.
Particularly for straight males, for whom pleasuring the female genitalia might as well be safe-cracking.
And, look. None of you are here to read any of this borderline-pointless nattering. Most of you have probably already skipped ahead to the bit where a dude fucks up some fruit.
Can’t blame you. It’s truly one of those I CANNOT LOOK AWAY FROM THIS videos.
Be forewarned – it is absolutely goods-as-advertised, and as such there’s some decidedly salty language getting about. Time to plug in those headphones.

That bit with the banana. I… We… Just… *shudders*.