Very Old Man Is Furious The LGBTQI Community Stole The Rainbow From God

This is fun! This is a fun one.

For those unfamiliar with him, this is US hyper-conservative radio host Bryan Fischer.
This bloke has an overflowing greatest hits of mental gymnastic efforts that have manifested in a veritable ‘War & Peace‘ of head-scratching quotes. Take some of these choice cuts, for example:
On Black American and the welfare system:

[It has] destroyed the African-American family [by] offering financial rewards to women who have more children out of wedlock,” which therefore encourages “fornication rather than marriage,” which in turn creates “disastrous social consequences of people who rut like rabbits.”

On Muslim people:

“Every time we allow a mosque to go up in one of our communities, it’s like planting an improvised explosive device right in the heart of your city and we have no idea when one of these devices is going to go off.”

On the LGBTQI community:

“Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.” “Hitler couldn’t get straights to be vicious enough in being his enforcers.” “Homosexual soldiers basically had no limits and the savagery and brutality they were willing to inflict.”

And on marriage equality:

“6/26 [the date the US Supreme Court ruled on ‘Obergefell v Hodges‘ and legalised same-sex marriage across the US] is now our 9/11… the day the twin towers of truth and righteousness were blown up by moral jihadists.”

So, y’know. He’s a real gas at parties.

The latest series of words to fall out of his mouth has drawn particular ire and derision concerns cultural appropriation; namely, the idea that the pesky LGBTQI community has been at it again, and has brazenly stolen the rainbow from its rightful and just owner, God.

*clears throat*

Is that cultural appropriation?
Would you even believe that that statement’s had the ever-loving piss dragged out of it? Would ya even believe it?

‘Course none of this is gonna do a dang thing to curtail the fountain of nonsense that inexplicably falls out of a real-life human being’s mouth and into the public sphere.

But hey, sometimes you’ve gotta laugh at the bad things.
Because the alternative is ah… not so great.

Source: Twitter.
Photo: Ian Forsyth/Getty.