Two and Half Men Shuts Down: Sheen off the Rails

Charlie Sheen continued his corkscrew-like descent into madness today after CBS announced the discontinuation of the surprisingly successful Two and a Half Men.

Sheen phoned the Alex Jones radio show today and unleashed a fairly nonsensical tirade of abuse, largely aimed at Two and a Half Men producer, Chuck Lorre.

“Are they happy with the five billion dollars they made off me or do they want ten? I’m not fair game. I’m not a soft target.”

Taking a breather from accosting hookers and hoovering blow, Sheen spoke in riddles for over 7 minutes as he fired verbals towards a slew of targets, including alcoholics anonymous.

“I’m not perfect and bitching and delivering the goods at every fricken turn”. No Charlie, you aren’t.

Title Image- Still of Charlie Sheen in “Two and a Half Men”