The Best ‘Bachie’ Tweets Chiming In On *The* Horny Tornado, *Those* Belly Moves & *That* Stache

I’m exhausted. I mean, this episode was a bloody, horny, dangerous rollercoaster, filled with Shakira, staches, near-deaths and all. We said goodbye to queen commentator Mary and witnessed quite a few moments that we wish we could, well, un-see. Check out our full recap here:

Okay, let’s dive into the spiciest moments.

Most of us started the episode still reeling from last night’s festivities. It left many of us wondering, who the Plan B guy actually was… and if we was a looker. (I bet he’s fucking hot. Love that.)

Our bodies were subsequently not ready for Stache Man to grace us with his beautiful presence. Reviews were mixed but, to be honest, I think it shows major big dick energy. Kudos to you, Stache Man. Many were also quick to notice similarities with Stache Man 2, Jules.

Okay, so literally the greatest line in the episode, the season and in television history came from Emma. When she said, “I’d rather be at the pub”, we collectively felt that.

Also, this is major tea. A lot of viewers are starting to call a big bluff.

Then there was that fucking weird kissy orgasm tornado bit… Well, I’ll just leave these here to accurately summarise my feelings. Horny, I am not.

Chelsie came to save the day, and then nearly died. Australia automatically assumed the role of overprotective father-in-law.

And then there was Sogand. I’m still screaming after Matt was like “oh cool have you done classes?” and she was all like “no never, i just love Shakira.”

asdfauhidsffdaisu. Sorry, cat ran across my keyboard.

And finally, let’s pour one out and chuck our deuces up for queen Mary. It’s sad to see her go, but something tells me that this won’t be the last we see of her. She’s made for television, darling.

I need a rosé and a nap.