Triple J Revealed Its Marc Fennell Replacement & It Ain’t Another Movie Guy

Folks, the long wait to find out who is replacing Marc Fennell as Triple J‘s go-to movie guy is over. After over a thousand people applied, the station announced today that it’s 22-year-old Amelia Navascues. Nnnnice!

She’s done a lil’ interview over at the jay about her background and her favourite film.

I was the tallest in my grade in high school, and when I was 16, I used to play guitar in a terrible lunch-time punk band (we recorded one song). All of our songs were about cheese and Pokémon and we’re somehow all still mates.

What else? I guess I love cringe comedy. I once bought tap shoes as a New Year’s resolution (I have used them once: If anyone needs tap shoes in a size 9, PLEASE get in touch via my twitter) and tomatoes are probably my favourite fruit.
She also listed her favourite films, which I guess is a cue for people to absolutely furiously tear them apart in the comment section. Please don’t do that.
  • Barton Fink
  • Memento
  • The Talented Mr Ripley
  • Old Boy
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Reservoir Dogs
The full chat is over at Triple J. Here’s hoping her career will be as long and storied as Marc’s.
Source: Triple J.
Photo: A Clockwork Orange.