The Best Of SBS Programming Now Online For Free

If you enjoy European sports, controversial documentaries, uncensored breasts, contemporary opera, South Park or legitimate news broadcasting, you better get excited because today SBS launched a free online video service called SBS On Demand which will allow audiences to catch full episodes, clips and live streams of SBS programs from a massive catalogue of programming. Why is this cause for celebration? Here’s a few reasons:

– Some of the world’s biggest sporting events will be available to stream LIVE e.g. the UEFA Champions League and the Tour de France;
– Huge range of full-length feature films;
– Over 90% of all SBS prime time TV content
– Full-length documentaries that have featured on SBS;
– Flagship SBS shows and series like Go Back To Where You Came From.

The internet and your home computer just another edge over the plasma. Televisions beware: you could be heading for the same fate as the CD…

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