Sydney Real Housewife Lisa Oldfield Is A Hardcore Doomsday Prepper

Lisa Oldfield has already established herself as a strong contender for the most batshit of the Real Housewives of Sydney, with a pet snake that poops freely around the house, and a husband who allegedly had an affair with Pauline Hanson after they founded One Nation together. That’s to say nothing of her near-sexual levels of excitement around firearms:  
A recent interview with Fairfax‘s PS peeled back even more layers from the gilded onion that is Lisa Oldfield, and amongst other things, she revealed that she and her husband are big fans of doomsday prepping. 
Doomsday preppers hoard food, weapons and other such necessities in bunkers in preparation for a coming apocalypse – famine, flood, disease, comet strike, Pauline Hanson Prime Ministership,something along those lines. 
Lisa and husband David have a bunker on Sydney’s northern beaches, and are working on another one, and she said:   

“Yes, we are ‘preppers’ … we have been preparing for an apocalyptic event for years. We currently have 125,000 litres of fresh water stored away and 5000 cans of SPAM. We are building a new shelter which will be able to sustain an atomic explosion. You know we live in uncertain times. We’ve got Trump, ISIS and China. Who knows what will happen. There could also be a pandemic or even worse, have Krissy come over unannounced!”
In a recent blog post, Oldfield wrote about her doomsday prepping plans in more depth. Her bunker is stocked with pasta (she’s likely to be the only Real Housewife who eats carbs) and she explained: 

“My survivalist mantra is ‘weapons, water, food’. You need to secure these three survival elements, in that order, if you’re going to avoid the walking dead nom-nom-noming on your grey matter.”
She has thought about arming herself a LOT: 

“My personal favourite is a baseball bat (embedded with a couple of nine-inch nails is a nice touch, but that is just preference). A baseball bat is convenient and has considerable ass kicking merit. It’s handy, safe, highly efficient with full swing … I apologise, but in my view it is always better to be judged by 12 than carried by six!”
To be honest, I would like to go ahead and RSVP to spend the apocalypse in the Oldfield bunker, because it sounds like she has her shit together, at least as far as that’s concerned.
Source: Fairfax.
Photo: Don Arnold / Getty.