Spider-Man is a Black Latino Boy and the Internet is Racist

Well, Ultimate Spider-Man, anyway. Following the death of Peter Parker in #160 of Marvel‘s Ultimate series (yeah – dead), someone had to fill Spidey’s tights. Enter Miles Morales, the half-Latino-half-African-American teenager who debuts in Ultimate Fallout #4.

Despite the fact that Ultimate Spider-Man exists in a totally different universe to the well-known Amazing Spider-Man, with totally different parallel realities and no bearing on each other at all, the internet has gone crazy-ape bonkers at the news that the costume of a fictional character in a series they’d never heard of is now being worn by a different fictional character, who, to add insult to their considerable injury, is also one o’ them different types. Another win for the creeping PC agenda!

I’m Not Racist, But… has collected some pretty great Facebook posts on the topic. Here are a few of our favourites.


(PS: He might also be gay).