Rian Johnson Just Clapped Back At ‘Last Jedi’ Critics With Actual Jedi Lore

rian johnson star wars last jedi critics

WARNING: If you haven’t seen The Last Jedi, a) why??? and b) there are a BUNCH of spoilers below. 

Unless you’ve been living under an anti-midichlorian device, you’ll know that there’s been significant pushback from die hard Star Wars fans against the most recent instalment, Rian Johnson‘s The Last Jedi.

You name it, people have an issue with it: there are too many women! Leia uses the force to save herself from the cold embrace of space! There are non-white people! The casino scene was lame! Poe didn’t get to heroically save the day!

And most recently, people have apparently been hassling director Rian Johnson about Luke‘s final sequence with Kylo Ren – you know, where he suddenly appears on Crait (that cool salt planet), totally big-dogs Kylo by being 0% bothered by all his lasers and light sabers, and then reveals himself to be actually astral-projecting all the way from his shithole island planet via the power of levitating meditation.

and nasty green monster milk


So apparently some people found that unbelievable. Well, my doubting friends, has Johnson got news for you! News delivered in the best possible way, too: by a sequence of pics on Twitter.







Gotta give it to the guy, he knows how to visually tell a story.

In case you’re wondering, that Star Wars book, The Jedi Path, is supposed to be a reference book and history of the Jedi, and was released in 2010 – waaay before TLJ came out, and long before Johnson would have even been working on the story. The doppelganger move is mentioned in a Star Wars roleplay manual from the 90s as well:

So basically, suck it up, crybabies. It’s canon as hell.
