Remember That Time Chris Pratt Got Naked on The O.C.?

The super delightful Chris Pratt is on track to become the biggest movie star in the world right now – he is charming talk show hosts left and right with tales of showing his penis to Amy Poehler, while his Marvel superhero film Guardians Of The Galaxy is making all of the money on its opening weekend in America. 

His biggest role to date is as the hapless Andy Dwyer on Parks And Recreation, but do you remember that time he got naked on The O.C. in order to serenade a terrified Seth Cohen with a kickass song about polar bears? The internet remembers. Let’s take a moment to relive his incredible experience together.
Pratt played the super chill Brown University dudebro Che. In addition to being Seth’s chief romantic rival for much of the show’s fourth season, he turned Summer into an environmental activist, and was eventually revealed to be a secret billionaire, because of course he was.
The existence of this clip is concrete proof that Chris Pratt always was and always will be the man. #neverforget