Redditor Unearths Honest-To-God Japanese Bert Newton

According to internet folklore, each of us have seven doppelgängers walking the planet. Finding them, on the other hand is something of a mission you can dump in the ‘too-hard’ basket, unless you a) happen to be a celebrity and b) your doppelgänger has his / your face splashed on a 10m high billboard.

There’s some serious Mr Sparkle shit going on right here.

This is Bert Newton, veteran Aussie TV and radio entertainer:

And this is his Japanese looky-likey, spotted by Redditor mysundaybest and currently sitting on the front page or /r/australia:

*looks up*

*looks down*

*looks up*

*jumps back* WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?

In an effort to ~prove~ their likeness, we tried to face mash the two together, and succeeded in fucking it up entirely.

It was a horrifying result:

/exits internet. Maybe forever.

Images: Kristian Dowling / Lucas Dawson via Getty Images; Reddit.