Pls Enjoy This Guy’s Wild Yarn About Accidentally Getting Employed By Target

jeff from target

Black Friday has a lot to answer for. Stampedes, injuries, middle-American ladies macing each other over deeply discounted robot cat toys, and the enduring trauma of thousands upon thousands of retail workers.

But at least it’s thrown up something good this year: the incredible tale of a guy called Jeff, who walked into a Target in Austin, Texas dressed, by accident, in a red shirt and khakis, and was promptly put to work.

(A disclaimer: we are fully aware that there’s a more than zero probability that Jeff’s story is made up. We do not care. It is a good yarn, truth-based or otherwise, and we salute his storytelling either way.)

According to Jeff, he’s usually employed at Starbucks a full 180 miles away from his accidental day as a Target employee. That did not stop a manager pouncing on him as soon as he entered, clearly desperate for the extra set of hands.

After a busy couple of hours moonlighting as a willing but unhelpful member of staff, Jeff managed to escape with the prize he’d initially sought: a copy of NBA2k18.

And he also emerged with a strong sense of solidarity for his fellow (actual) Target workers.

While several people have poked holes in Jeff’s story, many others have responded extremely positively, because there’s nothing like being thrown a life-preserver of empathy on the worst day of the year to be working retail.

Also, Jeff is low-key a mental health advocacy hero?

Chill enough to shrug and get to work for a couple hours when mistaken for an employee while on vacation; woke enough to use his newfound Twitter fame for the greater good – it’s official: we love Jeff from Target.