‘Overly Attached Girlfriend’ Remade Her ’12 Meme On TikTok Like No Time Has Passed At All

Laina Morris, AKA Overly Attached Girlfriend, has set our nostalgic hearts aflutter after posting an iconic TikTok recreation of the 2012 meme.

Eight years ago, Laina posted a parody to Justin Bieber‘s ‘Boyfriend’, after Justin made a call out for fans to submit a ‘Girlfriend’ track.

She switched up the lyrics to portray a paranoid and possessive girlfriend. “If I was your girlfriend I’d drive you up the wall,” she crooned. “Question who you’re with, yeah, I’d always call and call / I wouldn’t call it jealousy, just looking out for you / Reading all your texts, watching everything you do.”

It wasn’t long before a screenshot from the video skyrocketed across the globe. And that was it – the Overly Attached Girlfriend became arguably one of the most recognisable memes in history.


Iso season has seen a whole stack of nostalgic icons recreate their stuff, and queen Laina is no different – she brought the ’12 meme back to life as part of TikTok’s ‘flip the switch’ challenge. And, well, take a look for yourself…


It’s like no time has passed at all throughout these 8 years, besides from my one extra pube and slight wine addiction.

Anywhomst, check out the blessed footage below.

@laina622Am I doing it right? ##fliptheswitch♬ Nonstop – Drake

In other TikTok recreation news, check out Alexis Neiers, still disappointed by Nancy Jo’s story, and Pooja of “Pooja, what is this behaviour” fame. What a time to be alive. BRB, diving back into the wondrous world of the ‘Tok.