Massive Tease George R.R. Martin Gives Us Another Chapter Of Upcoming Book

Now that Game of Thrones has actually moved ahead of where George R.R. Martin was up to in his seminal fantasy series ‘A Song Of Ice And Fire’, fans have been getting mighty antsy. Will he ever finish the book? Will he *die* before he releases it?

Well, he’s not doing anything to assuage those fears. unfortunately. But he has released a new chapter from the upcoming book The Winds of Winter’, because that’s presumably the only thing stopping rabid and insane book fans from breaching the walls of his presumably enormous castle and stealing the manuscript by force. Read it HERE.
Martin has released two or so chapters a year for the past few years via his website, like some kind of drug dealer getting unsuspecting punters hooked with just a taste.
Funnily enough, the chapter he’s teasing, named ‘Arianne II’, is actually not that new. He’s been reading this chapter to fans at convention for a little while, so if you’re an ultranerd this might actually not be news to you.
Showing his ‘hands-off’ approach to the wildly popular TV show, Martin’s drip-fed chapters reveal characters that have already been brutally killed onscreen, so if you’re exclusively a fan of the show you might not be getting an accurate preview of shit that’s to come.
Despite all that, he says it’s still not actually done. C’mon George! Show us! Release the book!
Source: Vanity Fair.
Photo: Getty Images / Steve Jennings.