Man Fucking Up Super Easy ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Q Is 100% Pure Schadenfreude

What this story needs is like some sort of reverse ‘Slumdog Millionaire‘, where instead of seeing flashbacks into his past to reveal how he knows every correct answer, we need to see how the fuck Kevin has managed to remain completely unfamiliar with the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire‘ throughout the course of his life.
The aforementioned Kevin baffled and infuriated AmericanWheel of Fortune‘ viewers with his apparent lack of even a passing familiarity with the play, by selecting ‘K‘ when presented with ‘A STREETCAR NA_ED DESIRE‘. 
A Street Car Naked Desire‘? What the fuck, Kevin? What does that even mean, Kevin? THAT’S NOT EVEN GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT, IS IT, KEVIN?
But he did it. Somehow not only managing to avoid not only the play itself but also mention of the play, the 1951 film, and also the iconic ‘Simpsons‘ episode, ‘A Streetcar Named Marge‘. Unbelievable.
You can tell he’s fucked up real bad because the audience doesn’t even shout at him, lethargically emitting a low moan of utter contempt:
Ya blew it, Kevin.
Photo: YouTube.